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Who we are

Who we are

Cuernavaca\’s history as the center for the study of Spanish as a second language for foreigners as well as Mexican history and culture began in 1961.

Today, eleven language schools comprise the prestigious non-profit association AIPEC. As members of AIPEC we guarantee the quality and professionalism of our Spanish language courses. Each of the schools strives to create stimulating enviroment in which to learn Spanish and guarantees the quality and professionalism of its courses. As an association, we maintain a close relationship with our city and state goverments to provide safety for international visitors to Cuernavaca and the state of Morelos.

The total immersion programs that AIPEC schools offer are characterized by:

– Intensive Spanish courses.
– Clases that begin every Monday throughout the year.
– Small groups of five students maximum per teacher.
– Cultural excursions.
– Homestays with carefully selected families.
– Academic excellence and commitment to providing an introduction to Mexico and its culture.

AIPEC guarantees the following about each of its
eleven members:

Each school is a legal Mexican institution and abides by the laws of Cuernavaca, Morelos.

Each school offers a language program as well as the proper enviroment for language learning. The teachers are mexican native speakers and have been trained as teachers of Spanish as a second language.

Each school presents its programs with clear and precise publicity-no misleading or false claims.

Students are housed with carefully selected host families. Apartments and hotels are recommended for those who prefer this option.

Each school has a specially-designated administrator to look out for the well-being of the students.

Each school offers social and cultural events in order to further language acquisitions as well as to provide information to students about Mexico’s customs.

Each school evaluates the student’s Spanish language abilities upon arrival in order to place him/her in the proper class and ensure that any special needs are met.

Each school guarantees its testing procedures and documents extended to the student.

Who we are